Weinstein Castle

Weinstein castle sits on a hill in the middle of a vineyard overlooking the beautiful Rhine river valley in northeastern Switzerland (near Rebstein). It has been a landmark in the area for over 600 years. Today's owners operate a restaurant there, so it is possible to visit it and enjoy the same view enjoyed by our ancestors, who were its first owners.

Early records mention a Hans Varnbühler there in 1375; he is the first documented Varnbühler. Later his son Ulrich, mayor of St. Gallen, enlarged the castle, only to have it confiscated a few years later as the result of a major political dispute involving the local abbey (see Ulrich's biography in the Contents list). Possession was later regained through a lengthy legal process initiated by his sons and the intervention of Emperor Maximilian. Eventually it was sold and it has changed owners several times over the centuries.

This photograph of Weinstein appeared on a Swiss calendar in 2001

Inside Weinstein castle: a room our ancestors lived in.