
There are many places to search for information about our ancestors, both here in America and abroad.
Below are a few photos taken during archive searches in Europe.

(Scroll down for other photos below).

This is in the city archive in Möglingen, the town our ancestors came to America from.
Several of these books contain historical information about our family.
Unfortunately, only a few experts can read the old German script.

These books are from the church in Möglingen and contain specific information about our family because they were members of the congregation there.
Things like births, confirmations, marriages, deaths, and other vital statistics were carefully recorded in books like these.

This is a page in a church book with information about our family.

The cathedral (the Abbey of St. Gall) in St. Gallen, Switzerland, is a major tourist sight in St. Gallen,
and a UNESCO World Heritage Site containing books from the 9th century in its library.
The library archive is a treasure trove of records about our family. It's also quite beautiful as you can see in these postcard images.
Unfortunately, most of the archive work has to be done in another room near the one shown here.

Another archive in St. Gallen with records about our family.

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